Dark fantasy roguelike Acolyte of the Altar is announced

Acolyte of the Altar

Upcoming roguelike Acolyte of the Altar promises a unique boss rush experience.

Acolyte of the Altar is set to release in March, 2024, for Microsoft Windows (through Steam). Interested players can try out the game’s demo right now.

You can view the announcement and trailer below:

Experience a single-player dark-fantasy card-based boss rush unlike any other! Black Kite Games is ecstatic to announce Beast-hunting deckbuilding roguelike Acolyte of the Altar, which will launch for PC via Steam. Throughout the world roam the Beasts, docile but powerful giants which the Acolytes seek to use as offerings to their Patron gods. As an Acolyte, progress through randomly generated floors while using a wide variety of cards to defeat these deadly Beasts in Acolyte of the Altar.

But there’s a twist. The colossal Beasts in Acolyte of the Altar become enraged as battles go on, and so the longer they live, the more powerful they become. This means players are encouraged to defeat them quickly, before the Beasts reach their full potential and consume your creatures or counterattack your spells.

As you progress through each randomly generated battle, you’ll need to balance your mana pool while summoning powerful creatures to chip away at each Beast efficiently. Take down a Beast and offer its body to the Patron to unlock new Gifts such as multicasting spells or even a jellyfish companion that can shock your opponents!

Variety and strategy are key components to Acolyte of the Altar. Each time you play, you encounter different Beasts, meaning no two runs are the same. Build your deck to adapt to the bosses and learn to bring them down by using the plethora of cards you have at your disposal.

This game features full creature combat and synergies, which while common in multiplayer card games, are rare in single-player deck-builders. This means you can summon an army of creatures with a health and attack stat and have them interact with each other and the opponent with more ability variety than other games in the genre.



Fan of skeletons, plays too many video games, MMO addict, souls-like and character action enthusiast.

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