Rockstar Games co-founder Dan Houser launches new company Absurd Ventures

Absurd Ventures

Rockstar Games co-founder Dan Houser has finally announced his next venture – the appropriately named Absurd Ventures, a new media company building new transmedia IPs.

“Absurd Ventures is building narrative worlds, creating characters, and writing stories for a diverse variety of genres, without regard to medium,” the press release states, “to be produced for live-action and animation; video games and other interactive content; books, graphic novels, and scripted podcasts.”

Dan Houser added, “We are building Absurd Ventures to create new universes and to tell great stories, wherever and however we can.”

Until his departure in 2020, Houser was also creative director and lead writer for Rockstar’s games and game series, which cumulatively sold more than 500 million copies and comprise five of the top ten-rated games of all time.

Here’s a teaser video:



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