A new video game review aggregator CriticDB is set to launch on January 30.
The new site’s stated goal is to connect users with diverse outlets without weighting mainstream sources, giving independent outlets a chance to thrive and share their thoughts with the wider gaming community. CriticDB describes its mission statement on the site’s new landing page, saying:
At the core of CriticDB, we want games to get discovered. We’re all fervent believers that Indie Games are critical to the growth of this industry, and that many players overlook indies compared to the latest AAA games.
With similar games listed on every game page, and the ability for gamers to link more games to each other – we’re aiming to have more games found, letting you jump from game to game as you discover a genre or title that you love.
That doesn’t stop at games, though – we also want you to find Outlets you want to follow, and authors whose reviews you feel closely aligned with. The Games Industry is big, and we don’t believe that any one outlet is “best” – but that there’s a wide range of incredible voices to follow.
Furthermore, CriticDB plans to connect PR and game developers with outlets in a more direct and personal way, with the potential to empower gamers and professionals across the industry with ways to reach audiences and peers.
Users will also be able to set up their own profiles, sharing what games they’ve played and completed, as well as submit their own user reviews.
The site was founded by our peer in independent journalism Rutledge Daugette, the current CEO of TechRaptor.
You can check out CriticDB yourself here and when it goes live on January 30.
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