Cozy camper game Outbound passes all stretch goals on Kickstarter


From A Hat in Time to Summer in Mara, cozy games tend to do very well on Kickstarter. Outbound is the latest game in the cozy genre to smash its Kickstarter funding goal.

With an initial funding goal of $33,407, Outbound has so far managed to raise nearly $200,000 on Kickstarter and there is still almost two weeks left to gather more funds. With so much horror content in the indie sphere, it’s probably no surprise that players want to experience something light to balance things.

Outbound is in development for Windows PC (via Steam) and now Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Switch, PS4, and PS5.

Outbound is a cozy camper-van exploration and crafting game. There is a focus on sustainability. The game takes place in the near future where humans have managed to defeat climate change and pollution. Everyone lives sustainably. Wind farms can be spotted in the released footage, and there is no coal or oil mining.

Some people would call this is a solarpunk world, the opposite of cyberpunk. It’s a hopeful world with bright colors. The game is definitely resonating with Kickstarter’s user base, who have helped the game smash all stretch goals, which means players will be able to have an animal companion with them on their trip.

Outbound is due to be released in January 2026, but backing it on Kickstarter will give you the ability to play the early access release in the summer of 2025. There are other rewards, such as the privilege of designing areas of the game and unique skins.

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