Conservative TV host calls gamers undateable while citing bogus study

Liz Wheeler

Sure as the sun declines at the end of each day, so too can we count on people outside the gaming industry throwing stones into it. This time it’s conservative influencer Liz Wheeler.

Liz Wheeler is a popular conservative television host who started her career hosting on OANN (One America News Network) before moving into podcasting. Her opinions frequently gather tens of millions of views.

With nearly a million followers on X, her hot takes on politics and culture and the episodes of her show, The Liz Wheeler Show, have gone viral multiple times in just the past few weeks. She wrote and published Hide Your Children: Exposing the Marxists Behind the Attack on America’s Kids.

Most recently, she cited a fake study from a TikToker making a joke in order to slam men who play video games. The study purports to prove that what women hate most in a man is an interest in video games.

According to the bogus study, a whopping ninety percent of women find playing video games to be the least attractive hobby a man can take part in, followed by Collecting Figurines at eighty-five percent, magic tricks at eighty percent, and online trolling at seventy-five percent.

Liz Wheeler posted a screenshot of the study, presented it without context, and said, “This is 100% true. Men Playing video games is peak unattractive. Beyond red flag. Like dealbreaker zone. It’s weird that so many dudes don’t get this.”

The post has nearly 20 million views at the time of writing. But as users were quick to point out, the study is not only fake, it was originally created as a joke to see if it would go viral.

A community note was added to the post, saying: “There is no source provided for the reported finding, and the percentages are rounded evenly to the nearest multiple of 5, which is implausible.”

The community note further clarified that: The origin of this image is from an TikToker making a joke post about them being birdwatchers,” and linked to a different study which showed that fewer than fifty percent of women disliked men who played video games.

Liz Wheeler’s post was quickly ratioed from people all across the political spectrum, as well as by multiple gamer women who admitted their attraction to men who game.

Zara Khan, a comedian & popular gaming streamer known as 5thRate Duelist responded, “I think women like you are “beyond red flag” Bros don’t listen to this shit.”

But Liz Wheeler doubled down, as has become expected of someone who is known for causing controversy in the culture wars, reposting a comment from fellow conservative culture warrior Allie declaring that she dislikes video games because they’re anti-social and consumption-based. Wheeler also posted a short video of her ranting against men who play video games and the women who defend them, titling the video: “Come at me haha I’m right.”


Pro-Goblin thinks goblin girls are hecking cute. Scrubb, scrubb, scrubb.

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