Compile Heart announces new shooter Scar-Lead Salvation

Scar-Lead Salvation

Publisher Compile Heart and developer Neilo have announced Scar-Lead Salvation, a new roguelike third-person shooter.

Scar-Lead Salvation is in development for Windows PC, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5, with a release set for May 29th in Japan.

The protagonist, Willow Martin (voiced by Fairouz Ai), has no memory of her past but upon entering combat, her body moves naturally and she exhibits high combat skills. Another character named Ai (voiced by Junichi Suwabe) is in the game. The dungeons in the game are procedurally generated.

The game features 10 different types of weapons with some being typical while others are flashy and sci-fi inspired. The weapons can be improved and there’s teleportation movement, as well as parrying. When the player dies you lose your weapon and level upgrades but a curious number increases on your face.

Here’s a teaser trailer:

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