Code Violet won’t come to PC to spite Rule 34 modders

Code Violet

Code Violet announced that the Dino Crisis inspired survival horror game won’t be coming to PC for a very specific reason, “vulgar mods”.

In a post on the official X account for TeamKill Media, the developer announced in no uncertain terms their feelings on potential lewd mods for the game as the reason for PS5 exclusivity.

Code Violet

Would-be players have been quick to point out that this gesture will likely not only be futile, but also self-sabotaging. PC Gamers represent a large customer base, especially older gamers who will actually be enticed by a game inspired by Dino Crisis. Not only that, but keeping the game off PC won’t stop NSFW fan works (at the time of writing, PS5 exclusive character Astro Bot has dozens of results on a certain website), it probably won’t even stop mods.

So it begs the question of who this announcement is for? It certainly doesn’t seem like its for the benefit of the voice actresses and actors like they claim, they could have simply remained silent and been another PS5 exclusive. Speculatively, this could be an attempt of soliciting negative attention for more publicity and we’re just playing into their hands.

Code Violet is expected to release this July on PlayStation 5.

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