Survival horror game Code Alkonost planning demo during Steam Scream Fest

Code Alkonost Code Alkonost: Awakening of Evil

Upcoming horror game Code Alkonost will get multiple showcases, a gameplay video, and a demo.

You can read the announcement below:

Remote Human is excited to reveal new details for the upcoming single-player adventure game Code Alkonost. Fans of adventure games should prepare for a breathtaking experience because a free demo will be available as part of Steam Scream Fest. However, this is not the first chance to get your hands on the game’s unreal Sanity Effect and voice-controls feature and take on the terrifying monstrosities that await inside the depths of the underworld.

We’re thrilled to announce the upcoming release of a brand-new gameplay video for Code Alkonost, set to premiere during Scream Fest! Get ready to immerse yourself in the haunting atmosphere of the game as we unveil thrilling gameplay footage that will give you a taste of the spine-tingling adventure that awaits.

But that’s not all! Alongside the gameplay video, we’re also treating you to an exclusive teaser, providing a chilling glimpse of the mysterious Castle and the eerie forest that surrounds it. Prepare to be captivated by the world of Code Alkonost, where every corner hides secrets waiting to be uncovered.

Interested players can test the game for free during Early Access via Code Alkonost‘s Discord server.

Code Alkonost: Awakening of Evil is set to release at some point in 2024 for Microsoft Windows (through Steam).



Fan of skeletons, plays too many video games, MMO addict, soul-like and character action enthusiast.

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