Cloud Gardens Announced for PC and Mac

Cloud Gardens

Noio, the developers of the Kingdom series, have announced a new atmospheric sandbox game called Cloud Gardens.

In Cloud Gardens, players are tasked with creating hauntingly beautiful mini dioramas in a world of urban decay. Plant seeds and allow them to grow and reclaim the ruins of civilization. The game features both a sandbox mode, and a campaign about using plants and salvaged objects to create scenes.

You can find the announcement trailer below.

You can find a rundown of the game (via Steam) below:

In Cloud Gardens players must harness the power of nature to overgrow lo-fi scenes of urban decay and manufactured landscapes. By planting seeds in the right places, they’re able to create small overgrown dioramas of brutalism and beauty, salvaging and repurposing hundreds of discarded objects to create unique structures for nature to reclaim.

Players can dive into a relaxing sandbox mode with no goals, where they are simply left to delight in their own creativity and create beautiful scenes, or take on a “campaign” of six chapters, where the task is to strike a balance between nature and the manufactured by covering each scene with salvaged objects and lush vegetation.

This is a chill game where the player is allowed to delight in their own creativity. The player’s task is to completely cover the scene in plants. As you overgrow the objects, a meter fills to show your progress. You are given objects to expand the scene. These objects contribute energy to the growing of plants, but you will also have to cover them in foliage to complete the stage, striking a balance between nature and the manufactured.

With generative soundscapes by Amos Roddy, composer of the Kingdom Series.

Cloud Gardens is coming soon to Early Access on Windows PC, and Mac (via Steam).

Image: Steam



Frank was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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