Clannad Kickstarter Reaches Third, Final Stretch Goal: New Manga Anthology

clannad kickstarter steam manga 2015-01-01

Manga artist Yukiko Sumiyoshi drew the above image in celebration of Sekai Project achieving US$380,000 on their Clannad kickstarter: the backers have reached the last stretch goal and funded an all-new Clannad anthology manga.

American backers who want the anthology should add US$12 for a digital copy, or US$15 for a physical copy of the manga. (International backers have to add an extra US$5 for a physical copy.) Western backers will be receiving the manga before Japan does.

Clannad was funded in less than 24 hours on Kickstarter. The first two stretch goals were for HD assets, and the localization of the side storiesHikari Mimamoru Sakamichi de.

Sekai Project says the English release will be similar to the original 2004 release of Clannad, and will be fully voiced in Japanese by Kikuko Inoue, Mai Nakahara, Ai Nonaka, Mamiko Noto, and others.

The Clannad package is expected on Steam in October, 2015.

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With over ten years' experience as an editor, Dimi is Niche Gamer's Managing Editor. He has indefinitely put a legal career on hold in favor of a life of video games: priorities.

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