Clannad Full Voice Edition Kickstarter is Funded in Merely a Day

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The Kickstarter campaign for the official licensing of Key’s much-heralded visual novel, Clannad, has seemed to become a roaring success.

The crowdfunding has reached over $171,000 in the span of a single day, flying past the funding goal of $140,000 that Sekai Project had been looking to achieve. The Kickstarter still has 58 days to go,

Sekai Project aren’t stopping here, that is according to an update over on the project’s Kickstarter. They’ve teased that maybe the HD artwork from the Playstation 3 release can make its way to the PC release:

“We’re looking at possibly bringing over the HD assets from the PS3 version, there’s a discussion between multiple parties to happen before we can even guess at how much the stretch goal would be.”

Sekai Project are going to publish Clannad with only the Japanese audio, via Steam and in physical copies—but the latter will naturally be in very limited supply.

If you haven’t backed Clannad on Kickstarter, you can do so here.

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