Chroma, Harmonix’s Musical Shooter, Needs Some More Work

chroma 05-29-14-1

Despite the Kickstarter for Harmonix’s ambitious reboot of Amplitude being successful, it seems their other ambitious project – the musical first person shooter named Chroma, is having issues.

While we haven’t had the chance to get in on the alpha testing the game was undergoing for some time, a message sent by Harmonix to the alpha testers themselves is indicating that the game isn’t exactly what they hoped it would be.

The email thanks them for their input, but it also clearly states that the game needs some serious work:

“Based on the terrific feedback we got from all of you in the community, as well as our own analysis, we have concluded that Chroma will need some substantial retooling to be the game we want it to be.”

The email continues:

“We remain passionately committed to the high-level vision, and we think there are some very successful mechanics and systems in the existing build. The team has, in fact, already started prototyping new directions for the game based on those successful mechanics. We look forward to sharing more with you down the line, as Chroma evolves in new directions.”

Now before you start jumping out of your chair, throwing your coffee (or what have you) into a stranger’s face, this is their first attempt at a shooter, and it’s quite a different approach to a genre many are saying is simply formulaic at this point.

The more time the game has to be fully developed into something truly special, the better, as I will remain excited for the title. Will you guys still hold out for Chroma?

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Owner and Publisher at Niche Gamer and Nicchiban. Outlaw fighting for a better game industry.

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