Check Out the First Screenshots for Luigi’s Mansion Arcade

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We’ve known that Capcom is making an arcade adaptation for Nintendo’s Luigi’s Mansion, but so far we haven’t gotten a real look at the game.

With Sega having their own booth at the annual Japan Amusement Expo, we’ve gotten a few high resolution screenshots of both the game itself, and the arcade cabinet in all its glory:

The coolest thing about the arcade version of Luigi’s Mansion is that you get to use light guns, but they’re not ordinary light guns – they’re shaped like vacuum cleaners!

In the game you’ll be able to collect those iconic coins just like in the original, as well as unlock new stages to traverse. The arcade cabinet is quite stunning with a 55 in LCD display and four speakers, complete with a subwoofer.

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Luigi’s Mansion Arcade is launching in Japanese arcades sometime this June.



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