Castle of Shikigami III for Steam crowdfunding launched, stretch goals include console ports

Castle of Shikigami III

Japanese developer Cosmo Machia has launched a crowdfunding campaign to port Castle of Shikigami III to PC, alongside teases for console ports.

The new crowdfunding campaign to bring Castle of Shikigami III to Windows PC (via Steam) is seeking 3 million Japanese yen (roughly $20,000).

Stretch goals for the campaign include console ports at 15 million yen (around $97,000) and porting all three Castle of Shikigami games to consoles at 20 million yen (around $130,000) — starting with the first Castle of Shikigami which they already ported to Steam.

Cosmo Machia has already received development materials from the original studio Alfa System and have already begun work on porting the arcade version to PC.

As mentioned, Castle of Shikigami III was originally released for arcades in Japan back in 2006 and later got ported to the Xbox 360 and Wii in 2007. The Wii version was the only port released outside of Japan.

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