Capcom fully unveiled their 2015-revealed Attack on Titan arcade game, Attack on Titan: Team Battle, at this year’s Japan Amusement Expo in Chiba.
The game was revealed last weekend, and new images, details and even a few screenshots have surfaced via a report over on GAME Watch.
The game is played with the two controllers designed to mimic the blade handles seen in the actual Attack on Titan series. Each controller has analogue sticks, and a triggers. While one trigger is meant for attacking, the other controls the 3D maneuverability. You control your character and the camera with the analog sticks.
You can connect two reticles and unleash a powerful attack, or move between positions by shooting at wires with your 3D maneuvering equipment. Capcom implemented a single reticle mode for beginners, and is even planning to add online team battle modes.
Here are some actual in-game screenshots: