Call of Duty Ricochet Anti-Cheat Kernel-Level Drivers Leak to Cheat Devs 24 Hours After Announcement

Call of Duty Anti-Cheat Ricochet leaks

Kernel-level anti-cheat drivers part of Call of Duty‘s Ricochet software has leaked to cheat developers; 24 hours after being announced.


The series official website announced the software earlier this month; boasting server-side monitoring analytics, and a kernel-level driver alongside it. Kernel-based software would be able to detect cheating software operating in any part of the computer, but has come under fire for fears of privacy, and being abused to grant hackers access to the entire computer.

Nonetheless, it was emphasized the new driver would not be on when the game is not being played, and only monitors software and applications that interact with the game. It seems that some data from gameplay will be used however.

The driver boasted being able to “help the RICOCHET Anti-Cheat team to learn about suspicious behavior, using that data to strengthen overall anti-cheating security over time.” This extends to using machine learning to study gameplay data from the server, to help identify cheaters.

Ricochet is currently set to launch with Call of Duty: Vanguard, and later in 2021 with the Pacific update to Call of Duty: Warzone. Meanwhile, the kernel driver will launch first for Warzone then Vanguard at a later date. However, recent developments may change those plans.


24 hours after its announcement, the anti-cheat kernel level driver has been leaked to cheat developers. Modern Warzone reports that after initial rumors of a leak appearing on Twitter and cheat forums, anonymous sources presented them proof that it was real. These files were initially restricted to private groups, but made their way to a public cheat forum.

The evidence was the source code in action, which was also reportedly sent to “numerous sources with deep level background in the cheating scene.” Modern Warzone note that the rate of the leak spreading, and number of sources confirming this, the files have been “of great use to those within the cheating community.”

However, Modern Warzone proposes this could be an intentional leak. A “Trojan Horse” with decoy files, wasting the time of those developing exploits for non-existent vulnerabilities. The idea is not so far-fetched, as not only has it happened before, but the Ricochet team being made of people with experience in numerous security sectors.


Modern Warzone even claims while this could be an issue, it is not the end of Ricochet. Being designed to change and evolve over-time, adaption was to be expected, and even the kernel-level anti-cheat drivers are the “bare minimum” to fight off cheaters.

Further, cheat developers can only work on this version of the driver until launch. Unless there is another leak. Even so, further backend improvements and machine learning can help hinder cheaters in spite of this leak.

Call of Duty: Vanguard launches November 5th on Windows PC (via, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S,

Call of Duty: Warzone is available and free-to-play on Windows PC (via, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. The game is also part of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019), and Call of Duty: Black Ops: Cold War. 

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Ryan was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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