40-player platform fighter Byte Breakers announced

Byte Breakers

Omega Strikers developer Odyssey Interactive has announced Byte Breakers, a 40-player platform fighting game inspired by Super Smash Bros. and others.

The new game is an early prototype and is in development for Windows PC (via Steam), with a playtest set for September 13th in North America – you can request access via the game’s Steam page.

Odyssey Interactive made it clear the game is in early development and pending on how its received, they may not even end up making the game.

Here’s a rundown on the game, plus its reveal video:

Heads up! Byte Breakers is an early prototype, and we’re inviting in players very, VERY early so we can find out whether we’re on the right track with the game. Click the “request access” button on this page to get access to our next North American playtest.

If you’re outside of North America, be sure to wishlist and follow for updates on our plans.

Massively Multiplayer Platform Fighting

  • Team up with friends to fight the world in massive 40-player lobbies
  • Use wicked abilities to smash people into the wall at like 95mph
  • Escape the glitch zone and try not to int to become the last team standing

Game-Breaking Gameplay

  • Divebomb at mach speed from great heights to crush unsuspecting enemies below
  • Defeat AI goons to gather powerful gear like dash boots that let you run up walls
  • Find “hacks” that can do things like turn your shield into a meaty death ball

Help the Homies

  • Bust out disgusting Team Assist abilities to wallhack TP to your allies
  • Carry your compadre’s dead, useless cadaver to a respawn beacon and give ‘em another chance at life
  • Share items and powerups for when your gang gets absolutely starched by one of the devs who’s already played for 2,000 hours

The prototype version of Byte Breakers contains no in-game purchases, though future content may require separate purchase from the in-game store and may be subject to availability.



Owner and Publisher at Niche Gamer and Nicchiban. Outlaw fighting for a better game industry.

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