Build Your Own Dreamy, Blocky Adventures in Voxatron, a Voxel-Based Engine

Lexaloffle Games are working on a very unique game—well, it’s not really a game, more a middleware engine that enables you to craft voxel-based games.

Featured above, you can view the Voxatron engine running in all its glory. It kind of reminds me of an overlooked PS3 classic, 3D Dot Game Heroes. You can build entire worlds, characters, animations, music, items, and gameplay mechanics—it really is an evolving platform for voxel enthusiasts.

The engine is currently in alpha, but it already has quite a robust community building different experiences for it. You can even share Voxatron-built games via an HTML5 enabled browser, or via “Cartridges,” which server as an add-on for the engine itself.

Voxatron is PC, Mac, and Linux enabled, and if you buy it now you’ll get all future versions and updates free, and DRM-free to boot. You can buy Voxatron for $19.99 dollars via the Lexaloffle Games website.



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