Long ago, the world suffered a great calamity and much of the land sank into the sea. The beauty of the sea remained unchanged, but the creatures that inhabited it were transformed into strange forms, and people strongly refused to enter the ocean.
People lived on what little land remained. Then one day, “it” appeared. The gigantic creature with large wings shone a holy light on the world, which was later called the “Light of Judgment.
The light gave power to people and to life. It was the awakening and evolution of life. Not only people, but also cats, dogs, pigs, and other animals were awakened.
The world was transformed. People joined hands with the awakened animals and rowed out to the open sea once again. This was the beginning of “The Century of the Blue Sea.
The century of the blue sea that began in this way was also the century of the blue crystal. The blue crystal was the nucleus of the crystal engine, the source of energy for everyone’s life.
At this time, people living on land used the few blue crystals buried in the ground to live their daily lives. On the other hand, those who went out to sea discovered a large amount of blue crystals lying on the ocean floor.
This abundance of blue crystals transformed their lives. Cities were constantly lit, countless spirit furnaces were driven, and abundance was brought to the people.
The century of the blue sea blossomed, and people went out to sea in search of blue crystals.
In the process, guilds began to form among those who worked in the seas. Organized mining by guilds brought a stable supply of blue crystals and a stable civilization.
This story begins in the midst of that flourishing civilization of the Blue Sea century.
Buccanyar Overview & Key Points
An adventure adventure and marine combat game set in a marine world! Three heroes (heroines) and a crew of evolved cats embark on an adventure aboard their own ship!
Customize and enhance your ship while exploring and fighting in uncharted waters and opening up new routes! Create your own unique ship by combining a wide variety of parts!
Mysterious “gods”, demons, and unique pirates also appear in this epic story of the world’s mysteries!
Buccanyar Feature #1…Choose one of the heroines (protagonists) and start playing!
The Galetta, a small boat with a rare two-tiered spirit furnace. It is a little old, but it is the pride and joy of the boat left to me by my father. Following in the footsteps of their father, the three heroines begin their adventurous journey aboard the Galetta.
Guilds, pirates, and demons …… stand in their way as they overcome difficulties, pioneer new routes, and continue their adventures. The three of you will be able to handle the hardships and difficulties together.
You, the player, choose one of the three heroines to start the story. With your chosen heroine as captain, you will lead the ship through many fierce battles.
You will be the heroine and lead them and their crew to the end of their journey.
Each heroine you choose has her own unique abilities, which will determine your superiority or inferiority in battle, so you will have to make the most of your abilities to win the battle.
Buccanyar Feature #2…Move back and forth between the two modes to advance in battle and reinforcement.
The game consists of two major parts: a voyage mode in which players operate their own ship with AI cats (crew) to go on adventures and fight other ships and sea monsters, and a port mode in which players customize their ship, replace crew, and exchange resources obtained through battles for cash.
The voyage mode, in particular, is the heart of the game, with an infinite number of voyage routes (=stages) that appear one after another as the scenario progresses and the players conquer them, generated by a combination of random elements!
Voyage Mode (Discovery and Battle) – The voyage mode includes combat, route exploration, discovery of new lands, resource acquisition, etc.
Port mode (customization) – Weapon purchases, hull customization, crew recruitment, resource purchases and redemption, etc. are performed. Cutscenes are inserted at the start and after combat, and the story progresses. Also, when the ship enters port and the flags planted in each menu are established, events can begin.
Buccanyar Feature #3…Reinforce your ship and crew for endless oceans!
Of course, it is your ship that sails the oceans. First, gather your crew! That’s where it all begins. Once you have hired your crew, you are ready to set sail.
Sailors are evolved cats. They will be your reliable subordinates. They will be your subordinates. The appearance and personality of the cats will differ depending on the type. The captain gives orders to his crew members to control the ship and advance in battle.
Types of sailor cats that appear in Buccanyar:
Scottish Fold
Norwegian Forest Cat
American Shorthair
Russian Blue
Tortoiseshell Cats (Japanese Cats)
American Curl
Siamese Cats (Siamese)
Buccanyar Feature #4…Build up and customize with a wide variety of parts!
Ships can be upgraded as needed. In addition, you can build your own ship by combining the following classified parts such as cannons, small cannons, and various equipment. After setting sail with your own ship, you will be able to play various collectible mini-games such as fishing and collecting.
Examples of parts that make up a ship:
Machine gun
Harpoon (missile)
Rock throwers
Arm weapons
Main gun (special weapon attached to the bow)
Catapult for aircraft ejection
Hull Parts
Cabin Parts
Interior Parts
Onboard Weapons
Small boats
More powerful attacks will soon be possible with the arm weapons! Arm weapons demonstrate their power in close quarters! Unique melee weapons such as iron claws, grinders, and drills are available, so equip them and dominate the battle! Build your own ship with a wide variety of armaments and hull parts!
Buccanyar Feature #5…Combat is based on a tower offense system!
The combat in this title is based on a real-time strategy type system called “Tower Offense.”
During combat, the player automatically attacks the ship using a combination of armaments such as turrets and torpedoes installed on the ship and the sailors assigned to those armaments, while steering the ship at appropriate times and issuing commands such as “simultaneous fire” and “concentrated attack” to control and intervene in the attack.
In this way, the battle style enables the player to achieve battle results that exceed basic performance by overlooking the behavior of the entire ship, properly allocating armament and personnel, and issuing “orders” as appropriate depending on the type of enemy and the war situation.
Semi-automatic combat in which the appropriate combination of ship’s equipment and crew is used to fight, while appropriate intervention is made through steering and attack orders.
The timing of deploying expendable weapons such as balloon boats, flying boats, and submarines is also important.
Buccanyar Feature #6…A world designed for repeated play
The voyage routes (=stages) that appear one after another as the scenario progresses and is conquered are generated endlessly by a combination of random elements!
The points on the map are divided into the following three types, each of which has a different role to play.
Voyage Routes – The first time you pass through a route, a battle will occur, and once you complete it, you will be able to pass through = fast-travel from the world map. Even if the route has been conquered once, there are rare events in which demons (enemies) appear on the route and a battle occurs, or another derived route is discovered.
Hunting ground – A place where you can repeatedly go to gain experience, obtain items, etc. Some places become hunting grounds by defeating the bosses of the sea area.
Fishing grounds – A place for fishing and mining. It is rare for an enemy attack to occur suddenly while you are fishing. Quests to escort mining boats may also occur.
Buccanyar main characters
Kanna Daikun
Age: 16 years old
Occupation: Mechanic
Kanna is a shipbuilder’s apprentice and an expert on ships, capable of tinkering with everything from the structure to the spirit furnace. However, Kanna is far from being a full-fledged shipbuilder, and spends her days training and doing hands-on work to become a full-fledged shipbuilder. She has a carefree personality, and sometimes makes mistakes during ship maintenance by simply saying, “It worked, so I guess it’s OK.
Leelia Spell Age: 17 years old
Occupation: Diva
A diva in this world is a wizard who can manipulate the weather by playing a tune and singing a song. Leelia is a strong ally in the navigation of the ship, and not only can she manipulate the weather, but she is also adept at using magic attacks.
Alicia Aime Age: 16 years old
Occupation: Gunner
A gunner in this world is a person who fights against enemies by controlling the ship’s armament. Alicia is a cheerful gunner. Her gruffness is her charm. Although she is careless about her personal affairs, her abilities in the field of gunnery are superb. Her ability as an artillerist is both delicate and high, enabling her to fire high-precision artillery that hits even targets out of range.
This is Niche Imports. In this column, we regularly cover games that haven’t been announced for western audiences yet. Please leave feedback and let us know if there’s something you want us to cover!