Brand New SaGa Game In The Works

Seems that according to attendees of the One Night Re:Birth Again concert, SaGa producer Akitoshi Kawazu let the cat out of the bag by announcing a brand new game in the long running series. Naturally, no real details about platform or release dates were spoken, but the sheer fact that it was mentioned is good enough for most.

The new game is meant to be a part of a much larger celebration of the SaGa series’ 25th anniversary and will accompany a new remixes album, Re:Birth II -Sen-.

While at the concert, Akitoshi Kawazu stated that the celebration will continue into 2015 as well. If fans are lucky, this will be an actual game and not yet another mobile title…which seems to be Square’s raison d’être.



Carl is both a JRPG fan and a CRPG'er who especially loves European PC games. Even with more than three decades of gaming under his belt, he feels the best of the hobby is yet to come.

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