Boogerman Makes His Disgusting Return

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Boogerman was a game originally released for the Sega Genesis, a game I played and enjoyed during my childhood. The original creators behind Boogerman are back, wanting to make a new adventure featuring the pick and flick hero.

Titled simply Boogerman 20th Anniversary, the game will feature the same tone and style, while also bringing in a lot of new mechanics, structure, levels and of course – awesome music and art. You’ll also be revisiting the levels from the original, only this time they’ll look awesome.

You can check out their kickstarter pitch below:

The soundtrack is being done by the extremely talented Grant Kirkhope of Banjo-Kazooie, Perfect Dark and Donkey Kong 64 fame. The game is being developed in Unity.

Boogerman 20th Anniversary is planned for PC, Mac, Linux, Playstation 4, Playstation Vita and Wii U, covering quite a variety of platforms.

If you want to back this disgusting reimagining, you can do so on their kickstarter page.



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