Blue Archive banner 5/16-5/30 should you pull?

Himari Blue Archive

We’ve been dreading this Blue Archive banner, not because the students are bad but because it’s not very collector friendly.

However this is a big banner for meta players because you can safely invest your pyros into just one student without worry. This time we have Himari, the star of the show, and Eimi who’s… just kinda there.

So are they worth pulling for?

Akeboshi Himari

Himari Blue Archive

Watch out Ako, there’s a new queen in town. Himari is basically Ako but far less crit reliant. Instead she gives a MASSIVE attack buff for her EX-Ability. On top of that she reduces enemy Evasion and most importantly increases Cost Recovery! That’s the speed your EX meter fills up.

You lose some of the healing utility you get from Ako and there are some crit synergies so she doesn’t trivialize Ako (Heck, you can run both!) but Himari’s place cannot be understated.

Izumimoto Eimi

Eimi Blue Archive

Just… don’t bother. Eimi isn’t a bad unit, she’s a defensive Explosive tank but that’s about it.

That’d be good enough for her to be worth considering for a pull, but the thing is that her Eleph is farmable during Joint Firing Drills. If you’ve been playing a while you should have Eimi already and if you haven’t been she’s basically free.

Should I Pull?

Himari is basically The Cooler Ako right now and she’ll probably be an evergreen unit for high-end content. Conversely Eimi is a trap for your Pyroxenes. There’s still plenty of new students on the way as we try and catch up to Japanese Blue Archive servers so caution is the name of the game here, but if you’re a free-to-play then Himari is an economical choice given how widely her use cases are, meanwhile if you’re a whale the Pyros shouldn’t matter that much anyways.

To sum it up: Pull for Himari only. I mean it. ONLY HIMARI. Even if you pull 200 times and pick up Himari on the last pull, use your pity tokens for extra Himari Eleph. Don’t bother with Eimi. Don’t even look at Eimi’s banner. Just pick her up from Joint Firing Drill tokens.

Waifu Clause

As always, if you really like the student’s design then more power to you. These guides are more about the student’s place in the meta.

Blue Archive is available now on mobile devices! You can check out our review here! (as far as mobile games go, we still recommend it!)



A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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