Blue Archive banner 4/11-4/18 should you pull?

Blue Archive Bunny Banner

Blue Archive has launched a new character banner and introducing a new student to the roster. Akane (Bunny Ver.) is a new character in this latest patch and will join the regular gacha pool.

The current banner is meant to coincide with the Bunny Girls on Board rerun event which will run from April 11 to April 18 just like the character banner.

The available characters include the entire C&C maid squad in their bunny girl outfits. Of the two, Neru (Bunny Ver.) and Karin (Bunny Ver.) are limited characters. This means that they can only be acquired during their respective banners!

So with a new student and two limited students on the banner, is it worth pulling?


Murokasa Akane (Bunny Ver.)

Akane Bunny Blue Archive

Akane joins her three classmates as a bunny girl after waiting a year since the first Bunny Girls on Board. Her EX ability is a Mystic-type mine that does massive damage in an area when an enemy approaches it or is otherwise near it.

Her passive abilities do damage in a round area every 30 seconds but most importantly she passively buffs the damage of Mystic-type students to a powerful degree.

But with her lackluster EX-ability and boring passives, Bunny Akane doesn’t quite hit the mark for rolling. As a Special student she’s overshadowed by more versatile units like Ako, or Shizuko (Swimsuit) who provide some healing in addition to passive damage.

Ichinose Asuna (Bunny Ver.)

Bunny Asuna Blue Archive

Promoted from a 1-star unit, this 3-star bunny version of Asuna is similar to her normal counterpart. The big difference here is her EX ability.

Bunny Asuna does modest damage in an AoE but also applies a long lasting Defense debuff to enemies in the area. This makes her decent for the Perorodzilla raid and on some missions, but not much else.

While her Defense debuff is a versatile tool, she can easily be replaced with a better Mystic damage dealer in most situations.

Mikamo Neru (Bunny Ver.)

Bunny Neru Blue Archive

The first of two limited students in this banner. Bunny Neru hasn’t been available since her last banner and after April 18 she’ll be going away again.

Bunny Neru is an entirely unique unit, her passive abilities increase her Evasion, her Crit Damage, and her damage against Medium-sized enemies.

Meanwhile her EX ability is a reposition that gives her a barrier before dealing modest damage in an area around her.

All in all this makes her a good unit for PvP in a handful of team comps. Her only drawback is her Explosive damage type and Heavy armor which are both poor typings in the current PvP meta; but there’s still nothing quite like her.

Kakudate Karin (Bunny Ver.)

Bunny Karin Blue Archive

Bunny Karin is a bit of an odd unit. Her ability is straightforward but it’s incredibly expensive to use. Costing a whopping 7 EX meter, she does modest damage in a wide fan-shaped area that also ignores a portion of the target’s defense.

This effectively makes her ability do incredible damage, but the cost is still unfortunate. This gives her few use cases but thankfully allows her to shine in the Perorodzilla raid where abilities that damage adds and the main boss at the same time are valuable.

Should I Pull?

Frankly, you can safely skip this banner if you really want to. If you’re a Whale (player who spends a decent amount of money on the game) you’ll probably want to pick-up Neru just for more teambuilding tools, and then you’ll probably want Karin

However if you’re a free-to-play player then I’d probably save your Pyroxenes for the next banner which should include Ako (who’s basically valuable for every single raid).

If you do have some extra Pyros burning a hole in your pocket, Karin is probably more valuable for free players since good Mystic AoE can be hard to come by. But if you have Alice you’ll get by.

To sum it up: Do not pull (unless you’re collecting limited characters)!

You probably won’t miss any of these units

Waifu Clause

As always, if you really like the student’s design then more power to you. These guides are more about the student’s place in the meta.

Blue Archive is available now on mobile devices! You can check out our review here! (as far as mobile games go, we still recommend it!)



A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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