Blizzard Employees Stage Walk Out Over Company’s Ban on Support for Hong Kong Protests

Following the pro-Hong Kong protest statements from professional Hearthstone player Chung “blitzchung” Ng Wai and Blizzard Entertainment’s suspension of the player, Blizzard employees have staged a walk-out.

On the afternoon of October 8th, a “small group” of employees staged a walk-out. An anonymous “longtime” employee told The Daily Beast “The action Blizzard took against the player was pretty appalling but not surprising. Blizzard makes a lot of money in China, but now the company is in this awkward position where we can’t abide by our values.”

Another reportedly stated “I’m disappointed, we want people all over the world to play our games, but no action like this can be made with political neutrality.” Both employees spoke anonymously to The Daily Beast for “fear of professional consequences.”

The employees- numbering from a dozen to 30- gathered around the company’s iconic Orc statue in the company HQ’s main square at 10 am PDT, departing in “the late afternoon.” The location would have been reportedly in plain view of the executive offices.

A photo has surfaced on r/Hearthstone, posted by an alleged member of staff (above). It depicts several alleged Blizzard employees standing with umbrellas outside the company HQ. The photo was identified by the two anonymous employees who spoke to The Daily Beast.

The umbrella quickly became symbols of earlier Hong Kong protests, as protesters used them to defend themselves from tear-gas and water-cannons.

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Ryan was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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