Beyond Good & Evil 2 gets new lead writer 15 years into development

Beyond Good & Evil 2

It’s wild to think that Beyond Good & Evil 2 was first announced in 2008 and for the most part has never seemed ready to release. Despite this, they’ve brought on a core new staff despite how long it’s been in the works.

Ubisoft hired a new lead writer for the project as we learned Sarah Arellano announced she’s the new lead writer for Beyond Good & Evil 2.

The idea of the game getting a new lead writer this far from its announcement back in 2008 is troubling, because it leaves us with two possibilities. The first is that Ubisoft are putting the pedal to the metal and are finally going to releasing the game soon now that the company has restructured itself.

The other could be that the game is stuck in development hell and the studio is desperately trying to find a way to get the game off the ground and out the door. Neither of these possibilities instill too much confidence in me personally, but I am always the optimists so we will just have to wait and see what happens next.

The game has been so quiet that many have forgotten that it was even announced or was coming out at all. Even now Ubisoft are unwilling to say whether or not the game will be available in 2024, two years from now.

The game skipped E3 2019 – the last before a certain pandemic made the entire world stop – and it hasn’t been talked about since.

Ubisoft showed off a new trailer for Beyond Good & Evil 2 years ago to remind people that it was still in development. But that was four years ago, and now the game still sits in an unknown state. Luckily, or perhaps unluckily depending on how you look at it, it has come to people’s attention that the game is still in development.

So it looks like Beyond Good & Evil 2 will be getting new life breathed into it now with a new lead writer. But, of course, only time will tell.

The last game I got excited for that was in development for this long was Duke Nukem Forever and look how that turned out. Regardless, congratulations to Sarah Arellano for her new position, hopefully she can do great things working on this project.



Tyler was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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