The upcoming anime series Beast Tamer (Yuusha Party wo Tsuihou sareta Beast Tamer, Saikyoushu no Nekomimi Shoujo to Deau) will premiere this October as part of the Fall 2022 anime season.
Beast Tamer follows the story of Rein, a monster tamer and member of the Hero’s party. With his achievements ignored by the rest of the party as a result of his monster partners, they decide they no longer need him and kick him out. However they soon learn that he was more valuable then they thought.
With Rein now on his own and the Hero’s party regretful over his departure, he can now live a more carefree life.
2022年10月からTOKYO MXほかにてTVアニメ放送開始です#ビステマ
— 「勇者パーティーを追放されたビーストテイマー、最強種の猫耳少女と出会う」公式 (@beasttamer_off) August 6, 2022
Beast Tamer Rein, who uses animals, was a member of the hero’s party. However, since he couldn’t do anything else, he wasn’t able to keep up in battle.
“You only know how to play with animals. You’re fired.”
Rein is kicked out of the party and now lives freely as an adventurer. On his journey, he meets a girl from a cat tribe, the so-called strongest species. Elsewhere, the hero’s party remains unaware that their previous success was all thanks to Rein…
This is the story of a beast tamer no longer held back and his fateful encounter with a precious companion.
Source: MyAnimeList