Battle Spirits Crossover announced

Battle Spirits Crossover

FuRyu has announced digital card game Battle Spirits Crossover, a new digital trading card game based on the popular real-life card game / franchise of the same name.

Battle Spirits Crossover is in development for Windows PC (via Steam), Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation 5 with a release set for November 7th in Japan. The game will be available digitally and at retail.

Fans can expect the new video game to play the same way as the real trading card game, with the same ruleset as well. The game offers over 1,900 cards up to the “BS68 Contract Edition: True Chapter 1 Battle of the Gods” set, as well as features like customization for play sheets and sleeves so you can make your own original decks.

Battle Spirits Crossover also features an original story with an original character that connects with people and becomes stronger through Battle Spirits, also via both local and online battles though Switch users will have to use separate devices.

Here’s a teaser trailer:

This is Niche Imports. In this column, we regularly cover games that haven’t been announced for western audiences yet.



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