Bandai Namco Trademarks “Tales of the Best” in Japan

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We’ve learned (via Sokuho@Hokanko) that Bandai Namco has filed a new batch of trademarks in Japan.

The most notable of these marks is “Tales of the Best,” which sounds like some kind of re-release collaboration.

The rest of the trademarks include:

  • “Baloon Bash”
  • “Brave Scramble”
  • “Mitsukete!”

With Bandai Namco making Tales of Zestiria available on PlayStation 4 (with most of the rest of their games being available on the console as well), it’s not that far stretch of the imagination to see any of their PlayStation 3-only Tales of games coming to PlayStation 4 (like Tales of Vesperia).

Would you guys like to see older Tales of games making their way to PlayStation 4? Sound off in the comments below!



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