Backyard Sports revival announced by Playground Productions

Backyard Sports

Playground Productions, a new developer led by Backyard Sports creator Lindsay Barnett, has announced a new Backyard Sports revival.

The new Backyard Sports revival is in development as a relaunch of the franchise, which is now expanding to multiple industries like film, television, merchandise, and more. The developer promises the games will return “bigger and better than ever while staying true to what made the franchise so special.”

The series was originally developed by Humongous Entertainment with the 1997-released Backyard Baseball for Windows and Mac. It grew from there to cover multiple sports and saw nearly forty titles released, the last of which was 2015’s Backyard Sports: Baseball 2015 and Backyard Sports: Basketball 2015.

Here’s some more new artwork:

“We’re incredibly excited to reintroduce Backyard Sports to a new generation of players,” Chris Waters, chief product officer at Playground Productions, told Sports Illustrated in a statement. “We’re taking great care to preserve the look and feel that made the original games so special while updating them with modern features and gameplay that today’s audience expects. I can’t wait for fans to see what we’re building on the playground.”

Backyard Sports creator and Playground Productions founder and CEO Lindsay Barnett added, “’Backyard Sports’ is more than just a game; it’s a cherished part of childhood for millions of people. I look at media as the largest classroom in the world. As such, our goal is to produce meaningful content that not only entertains but also educates and inspires. The return of ‘Backyard Sports’ is the perfect embodiment of that goal.”

Here’s a teaser video, plus a recap of the cast of characters:

Backyard is Back! Teaser

Meet the Players Video



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