Atomic Heart gets “Annihilation Instinct” story DLC this summer

Atomic Heart

Publisher Focus Entertainment and developer Mundfish announced Atomic Heart is getting its first downloadable content this summer.

The new “Annihilation Instinct” DLC is launching on August 2nd across all platforms, adding more story content to the soviet shooter RPG.

Here’s a rundown on the new content, plus a new trailer:

An explosive DLC designed to awaken your annihilation instincts

Continue the story in the Annihilation Instinct DLC and learn what happened to this dystopian world after the climax of Atomic Heart. You will experience a journey through the new, mind-altering Mendeleev Complex and the surrounding swamps. In addition, they discover the truth about

NORA while Major P-3 is pulled back to Facility 3826 . There are vicious, shape-shifting new enemies to contemplate and defeat them with two nifty new weapons – pruners and the melee weapon Klusha – as well as a new gauntlet ability, Techno-Stasis, which allows them to manipulate time itself.

A new enigmatic character as well as returning characters await players:Inside as they delve under surprising circumstances and deep into the madness of the AI ​​to avert their annihilation.

New Game+ mode to test your skills and enhance the gaming experience

To bring even more joy to players:Inside, a New Game+ mode has been made available for free along with the latest update. In the most difficult game mode yet, players will need all of their previously unlocked abilities and arsenal to take on the toughest enemies Atomic Heart has ever unleashed. These have new specific resistances and attack effects that will be reflected in the different colors of the enemies’ aura.

Atomic Heart is available (for now) on Windows PC (via Steam), Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5. Check out our review here!

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