Assassin’s Creed Liberation is delisted on Steam, will soon be inaccessible

Assassin's Creed Liberation Inaccessible Thumbnail

Assassin’s Creed Liberation has been delisted on Steam, with a note the game will be totally inaccessible later this year.

While the spinoff was delisted from Steam, a note on its Steam page confirms it will be no longer available after September 1, 2022. Ubisoft did recently note they were pulling online services for select older games.

This normally wouldn’t be a problem for those who already bought the game, but the second note claiming it will be inaccessible is concerning. Delisted games generally stay available to be redownloaded and played by those who purchased it.

Assassin’s Creed Liberation is one of the many Assassin’s Creed games released by Ubisoft. It was originally a PS Vita title before getting an HD version on PC in 2014.

The game doesn’t appear on Ubisoft Connect’s storefront, but it is available on the Ubisoft store website as of this writing. If it is being delisted from Steam, then it is unknown how long it will be available for sale here though.

This news will most assuredly bring up topic of ownership in a digital age. Recently, Sony had removed Studio Canal movies from viewing, even from those who already purchased the films through their PlayStation store.



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