Ashes of Creation showcases its housing system

Ashes of Creation

Like any good player-driven MMORPG, Ashes of Creation plans to have player housing and guild halls, through its freehold system.

Ashes of Creation allows players to leave their mark on the world through in-game building, but only the worthy ones will be able to keep their lands.

You can read below to learn more about the freeholds:

Come make your glorious mark on the world of Verra! Freeholds are the pinnacle of achievement for player housing in Ashes of Creation. While all housing contains a high degree of customization, Freeholds also serve as the epicenter of master level processing, and can become destinations for other players to visit during their adventures!

Freeholds have a few primary purposes. These are ways for players to express themselves and show their creativity in-game as they organize their space, construct buildings, and decorate the area as they make it their own. While processing will be available within Nodes, Freeholds are where the highest levels of processing are available, which plays an important role in refining raw materials needed for crafting professions. Also, Freeholds are places where players can set up businesses that can offer services to other adventurers.

Housing takes several forms in the world of Verra. However, Freeholds are the highest tier of player housing available. Acquiring a Freehold is a major accomplishment, and it will take a large amount of effort and strategy to get a Freehold of your own. Since there is a limited amount of space available to place Freeholds in each node’s region, these are symbols of prestige for those who are able to acquire and maintain their Freeholds.

Ashes of Creation promises a fulfilling housing system, allowing players to fully customize their homes and freeholds.

Ashes of Creation is set to release at an undisclosed date for Microsoft Windows.



Fan of skeletons, plays too many video games, MMO addict, soul-like and character action enthusiast.

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