Arms Update 1.1.0 Released, Adds LAN Play, Fixes, More

Nintendo has released an update to Arms.

The new 1.1.0 update brings with it LAN play support, a new Arena Mode, and various fixes.

The entire update list of changes include:

  •  LAN-mode added. While pressing the left stick, press L+R on the main menu to switch to LAN-mode.
  • Arena-mode, likened to a ranked-mode for friends and local play, has been added. This also supports spectators.
  • Kid Cobra and Byte&Bark fixes for the sliding boards
  • Fix for the Ribbon-Girl stage where some arms didn’t properly hit the boxes
  • Text-fix for the story-mode

Arms is available now for Switch. In case you missed it, you can find our written and video review for the game here (we highly recommend it!).



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