Ar no Surge – An RPG in the Surge Concerto Series

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Ar no Surge is a newly revealed traditional RPG set in the world created around the life simulator Surge Concerto: Ciel no Surge. For those who haven’t heard of Ciel no Surge until now, the game is a life simulator where you help a girl named Ionasol, a girl with amnesia.

Ar no Surge is set in the same world as Ciel no Surge, which is actually set in the same universe as the Ar Tonelico series. They all share similar concepts, like the power of magic being tied to song and music, or the language spoken in the game being the same one spoken in Ciel no Surge.

Ar no Surge will have towns, a world map, a battle system, and themes based around confrontation, coexistence, bonds, bonds between men and women, and bonds between friends.

The actual story of Ar no Surge begins with humans living in harmony with “Genomes”, superior life forms with spirit exceeding that of normal humans. Having their home planet destroyed, they set out into space to find a new planet to call home.

In Ar no Surge, you play as Delta Lantanoir, a young man who came out from inside Felion when the mysterious Felion Wall opened up. Delta was tasked with protecting the city from the Sharl, a race that uses song magic to kidnap people. Curiously, Delta was discharged and now owns a restaurant.

You can view a ton of artwork and screenshots for the game from the Famitsu reveal:

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Ar no Surge is coming exclusively to Playstation 3 on January 30th in Japan.



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