Anime Inspired Action MMORPG Onigiri is Coming West on PS4

Onigiri is a free to play action MMORPG that has been available in Japan on both PC and Playstation 4 – only now it’s coming westward on the PS4.

In Onigiri, any player can use any weapon they see fit, and there is no real targeting system like traditional MMORPGs, instead you have to hack and slash your way to victory. The game is set in a classical Japanese setting, where oni (demons) are roaming free.

There’s a veritable mix of scantily clad buxom women and men that are slathered in muscles, so there’s generally an option for most players. Best of all, if you want to get a sample of the game, you can download the closed beta right here.

While a release date was not given, the game was playable in Sony’s E3 2014 booth, and we are told it should be coming sometime this summer.



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