Alan Wake 2 becomes profitable, sells over two-million copies

Alan Wake 2

Remedy Entertainment announced they’ve managed to sell more than two million copies of Alan Wake 2 and the game has started earning royalties.

This makes Alan Wake 2 one of the ten most successful major-studio games in recent years in total profits, and it also means that Remedy Entertainment has finally managed to make a profit from the game.

That might sound strange, but Alan Wake 2 reportedly had a tremendous budget, costing over 70 million euros to produce the long-awaited sequel.

The fact that it has taken this long to recoup that investment isn’t a sign of the game not selling well, but instead just how ridiculously expensive certain big-budget games have become in recent years. In contrast, a small indie can often be made with only a couple thousand dollars.

At any rate, copies of Alan Wake 2 kept getting sold ever since the game’s initial release, pushed in large part by positive word-of-mouth from players. Good news for fans of Alan Wake and Control (both made by Remedy) is now that Alan Wake 2 is profitable, development for Control 2 has begun.

Alan Wake II has been available since October 2023 across Windows PC (via the Epic Games Store), Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation 5.

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