AETERNOBLADE is Equal Parts Braid & Muramasa

freya concept

AETERNOBLADE is a game made by Thailand indies Corecell Technology Co.,Ltd. They have a lot of passion and seem to be really focused on making this game finally happen – they just need a little extra to help them finish it.

The concept art above is of Freyja, the protagonist. I applaud these guys for making a strong, proud looking female lead. I really think they need to show off the in game assets more, the gameplay they’ve shown is too small to really show off the game’s art.

So what is AETERNOBLADE? The game is a 2.5D sidescroller in the vein of Muramasa, Braid and Castlevania. You can see lots of inspirations from various franchises but this game seeks to be its own experience.

aeterno blade ss 1

The game will have collectibles, upgrades and the popular reversing time mechanic – which will be heavily used by players in the game considering their emphasis on it with level and monster designs.

You can check out the video pitch for AETERNOBLADE below:

Well, do you guys think the game is worth backing? If so, check out their page on Indiegogo and consider supporting them.


Owner and Publisher at Niche Gamer and Nicchiban. Outlaw fighting for a better game industry.

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