Aerannis Hits Funding, Stretches for Extras


Aerannisfunding has been going so well that Ektomarch set stretch goals for the game a few days ago. Today, the 2D action game overshot its funding goals, and now stands at over $7000. That means the first two stretch goals have already been reached: the game will have an easy and hard mode, and will also have a boss rush mode, where you’ll get to fight all the bosses in succession.

The remaining stretch goals include:

  • $8500: a level/mission editor and online sharing of the creations
  • $9500: an alternate path through the game
  • $?????: ????? (?????)


Incidentally, controller support has been implemented and, just because some supporters asked for it, some form of player customizability will also be available in the game.

Finally, there’s some speculation on the developer’s part that they might be able to port Aerannis to the Wii U, too, but it’s not a sure thing yet.

If you want to check out the ongoing Kickstarter, go here.

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With over ten years' experience as an editor, Dimi is Niche Gamer's Managing Editor. He has indefinitely put a legal career on hold in favor of a life of video games: priorities.

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