Aerannis Greenlit, Dated, Gets a New Trailer

In celebration of the game being greenlit on Steam, Aerannis now has a new trailer out, which shows off the progress the developers have made since successfully crowdfunding the game. You can watch the video above.

Here’s Ektomarch’s synopsis of Aerannis:

Aerannis is a stealth action-adventure game set in Plovdiv, Bulgaria in the distant future. The main character is an assassin who’s assigned various missions throughout the city. Some are basic assassinations that involve sneaking into a building and killing a certain character; some may involve destroying a facility’s infrastructure; and some are intense, action-oriented levels with massive bosses. Gameplay involves distracting enemies with explosions, leading them into minefields, taking human shields, hunting down targets to assassinate, and loads of shooting.

In the distant future, Plovdiv restructures itself as a safe haven for women–and only women–from around the world. After decades of global instability, all remnants of society vanish–everything besides Plovdiv. It’s often held that the city-state’s political ideals are the reason it endured. There’s one problem: discontent within the city has been growing. In order to maintain the image of absolute stability, the government and other influential organizations hire assassins to wipe out any dissidents and other problematic people before they become noteworthy. It’s a known problem, but many citizens see it as justifiable so long as it preserves a stable society. However, one assassin begins to realize that this government isn’t looking out for its citizens’ needs or really trying to maintain a stable society–it’s been the same power behind the rise and fall of every empire, and Plovdiv will be the next to fall.

Aerannis now has a release date, too: it will be available for Windows, Linux*, and Mac PCs through Steam, the Humble Bundle store, “and who knows where else” from September 15.

* As of now—things may change—the Linux version of the game will “take a little work from the player” to install, due to “bundling issues” that may preclude it from appearing on Steam.



With over ten years' experience as an editor, Dimi is Niche Gamer's Managing Editor. He has indefinitely put a legal career on hold in favor of a life of video games: priorities.

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