Adventure Time is a silly and sometimes dark/creepy show about a post apocalyptic Earth being explored by the supposed last human and his talking, anthropomorphic dog friend. I’m a fan of it and I’m also a fan of co-op dungeon crawlers. This game is doing both and it’s not only backed by the voice talent from the show, it’s also co-developed by one of my favorite developers, WayForward.
The full name of the game is actually Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I Don’t Know!, and the sole purpose of the game is to explore the Secret Royal Dungeon in the Land of Ooo. The dungeon spans 100 floors and you can choose to play as one of many characters from the show – whether they it be Finn, Jake, Marceline, and so on.
You’ll get power ups and various sub-weapons to help you fight signature enemies from the show, like the dreaded Ice King. The game is touted as being really fun and easy to get into, that it’s not your average dungeon (dark, creepy, depressing) – that it’s actually a fun dungeon, to quote them: “a fungeon” if you will.
You can check out the really fun and silly trailer below, it has some of the voice cast in it, several of them don’t even say anything about the game, they just say things:
The game is coming to PSN, XBLA, Steam, eShop and 3DS this fall.