A Space for the Unbound gets new publisher for console ports

A Space for the Unbound

Following the accusations of predatory practices behind indie game A Space for the Unbound’s publisher, the game has inked a deal for a new publisher on its console ports.

The game will be published across Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5 by Chorus Worldwide alongside its previously announced PC (via Steam) version, which Toge Productions is handling.

Former publisher PQube shared the update, noting that all parties have reached the new agreement and settled their disputes amicably, which includes grant monies sent to Toge Productions and the full return of IP rights to Toge Productions as well.

A Space For The Unbound was set for a 2022 release, only now its release is TBA. Whenever A Space For The Unbound does release, it’ll be available for Windows PC (via Steam), Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.

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