A Giant, Controllable Mech is Created in Minecraft, Awesomeness Ensues

We’ve covered a good number of creations within Minecraft here on Niche Gamer, both large and small. While most people tend to create giant vistas or recreations of both real or fantasy locales, this entrepreneuring user decided to build a giant mecha – which is also fully movable.

Featured above, you can witness the Mega Gargantua in action. Created by Minecraft user and builder Cubehamster, his pedigree for creating intricately and painstakingly detailed setpieces shines with this newest creation.

The most mind boggling bit of information about the entire mecha is that Cubehamster used zero command blocks for the construction, meaning that a vanilla install of Minecraft could make the towering robot a reality. This also means that you could theoretically build this monster without those very same command blocks – but who knows how long that would take.



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