7th Dragon III Code: VFD Pre-Orders Come With 28-page Art Book

7th dragon iii code vfd 02-23-16-1

Sega has announced pre-order bonuses for 7th Dragon III Code: VFD in North America.

If you pre-order the game, you’ll get a 28-page art booklet. You can get a look at the art booklet above, in some promo art via Sega.

Fans can expect the included artwork to show off the artists’ designs in the monsters, dragons, environments (which all span three different time periods), and of course, the character classes. This deal also comes in a decorative box, for both the game and the art book.

7th Dragon III Code: VFD is launching for the Nintendo 3DS in North America sometime this summer, via both retail and the Nintendo eShop.



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