7 Space-faring Games to try after Starfield

Elite Dangerous

So you’ve traversed the stars in Bethesda’s latest game Starfield and have a thirst for more adventures in the depth of space. There’s no shortage of games set in the dark beyond of the cosmos. Whether you want to enjoy the comfort and silence of space from your very own space ship, or come face to face with hostile aliens; there’s definitely a game out there to fill the void after beating Starfield.

Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic

Did we hear a Rock and Stone? No? Well you’ll be hearing plenty of it in Deep Rock Galactic! These space mining dwarves mean business and while you may not do a lot of planet hopping; exploring alien biomes is the name of the game. Equipped with pickaxes and sheer grit it’s up to these dwarves to stip the precious minerals from Hoxxes IV. However the local wildlife has it out for these miners and players will come face to face with disgusting bug-like aliens throughout each foray to the planet.

You can check out our review of Deep Rock Galactic here.



Now we’re getting somewhere, literally. Starbound is all about planet hopping, this game brings the 2D survival experience of Terraria to outer space. 

Players will need to hop between worlds on their very own space ship to find undiscovered artifacts, blueprints, and other tools to become one of the most powerful starfarers in the galaxy, and solve an ancient mystery while they’re at it.



Some might say that Astroneer walked so that Satisfactory could run. But there’s something satisfying about hopping between worlds that you just don’t get from Satisfactory.

In Astroneer, players will be building up multiple bases and structures to make the most from a diverse array of resources. Colonizing a solar system takes a lot of work and will need materials from different planets to make thriving factories and perform scientific research.

Every planet is fully explorable! A fun challenge is to dig to the center of a planet and see what happens with the gravity, we won’t spoil it for you.



If action-packed dogfights aren’t your thing then maybe Stellaris is. Stellaris takes the grand strategy genre popularized by games like Crusader Kings 3 into outer space! To make things simpler, they’re even made by the same studio. 

Stellaris keeps things fresh with procedurally generated species and ideologies. It truly feels like you’re trailblazing into unknown star systems and making first contact with fellow intelligent life. Just make sure you’re prepared to realize you’re not the biggest fish in the sea.

EVE Online

EVE Online

You may have heard of EVE Online before. The game has made headlines in the past with the real money and time invested by players into managing virtual corporate empires. So in-depth is the game’s economy that it’s been sarcastically (and affectionately!) referred to as a “spreadsheet simulator” by fans. Space is a dangerous place.

Starfield may have some cowboys, but EVE Online is the true wild west of space and there’s room for merchants, cargo runners, pirates, and law enforcement, all butting heads in one big intergalactic sandbox.

Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous has a storied history, with origins spanning back to the first Elite back in 1984!

The game has an emphasis on vehicle piloting, but has been broadening its horizons with a recent update that allows players to take to alien worlds on foot.

No Man’s Sky

No Man's Sky

Capping off the list is No Man’s Sky.

No Man’s Sky is the Cinderella story that took the gaming world by storm a few years back. It’s ambitious, it’s flashy, but unfortunately it didn’t live up to its own hype at launch. The dedicated team at Hello Games kept at it despite the naysayers. After a few carefully crafted patches, No Man’s Sky offers a complete sci-fi experience; complete with a range of activities from intense dogfights in space to sample collecting on alien worlds.

Hop out of your ship on foot and get up close and personal with aliens and strange environments. There’s dozens of ways to play in this open world (or should we say open galaxy?) game.

That’s out list for some space faring games you can try after you’ve finished Starfield; or even if you haven’t finished Starfield these games

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A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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