An original 3D anime series Idolls: Idol Survival will premiere on January 8th.
An upcoming 3D animated series called Idolls: Idol Survival will premiere on January 8th. The series will air exclusively on BS Asahi, a satellite broadcasting service.
The series follows four idols living together. In contrast to most 3D anime series, Idolls: Idol Survival will actually have the main cast animated via motion capture in order to get realistic body movements and interactions from the cast.
The cast will speculatively be portraying fictionalized and dramatized versions of their real selves for the series.
The main cast includes
Shiori Hanaoka as Shiori
Ruka Yashiro as Ruka
Ami Mizuno as Ami
Aina Rutou as Aina
You can find the trailer for Idolls: Idol Survival below.
An official western release for Idolls: Idol Survival has yet to be announced.
Image: Twitter