Cyberpunk 2077 Returns to PlayStation Store; Sony States Purchase for PlayStation 4 is “Not Recommended”

Cyberpunk 2077 PlayStation Store PlayStation 4

The infamous Cyberpunk 2077 has returned to the PlayStation Store, with Sony recommending gamers avoid the PlayStation 4 version.

As previously reported, the game had re-appeared on the PlayStation Store (but not available for purchase). CR Projekt later confirmed that the game would be returning on June 21st.

Sony would remove the game from the PlayStation Store in late December 2020, but there were “no talks” of Microsoft removing it from theirs. Both offered full refunds for the game. CD Projekt Red had also apologized for not showing Cyberpunk 2077 running on last-gen consoles (though they did show the game running on PlayStation 4 Pro), and for the unstable launch of the game.

The re-launch on the PlayStation Store has come with a disclaimer however. The PlayStation Store listing for the game features a warning that purchase on PlayStation 4 is not recommended.

“IMPORTANT NOTICE: Users continue to experience performance issues with this game. Purchase for use on PS4 systems is not recommended. For the best Cyberpunk experience on PlayStation, play on PS4 Pro and PS5 systems.”

The PlayStation Store page also notes the purchase will also be available on PlayStation 5. A full PlayStation 5 launch has not been confirmed at this time, though the PlayStation 4 version is compatible with the next-gen console.

A similar warning is also on the Microsoft Store; “Users may experience performance issues when playing this game on Xbox One consoles until this game is updated.”


CD Projekt has had months of negative press thank to the game; numerous delays and leaked footage were not the end of the woes. One reviewer suffered a major epileptic seizure, and accused the developer on basing the Braindance headset off a medical device designed to induce seizures for diagnosis.

Despite high praise from initial reviews, users complained of Cyberpunk 2077‘s numerous glitches and bugs; along with poor optimization, and the console version having inferior graphics and more bugs. Even critic reviews that praised the game also discussed those issues.

CD Projekt Red stock value dropped by 29% in a week after the game launched. CD Projekt Red apologized for the game’s advertising and launch, and offered full refunds. However, two lawsuits were launched by investors- one in Poland also being an attorney. Recently, four class action lawsuits against the game consolidated for potential common court proceedings.

The company also shared their “Commitment to Quality” agenda, and FAQ trying to explain how the issues came about. The Polish Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) is also monitoring CD Projekt.

In a “Strategy Update for investors,” Adam Kicinsk, President and Joint CEO of Projekt Red, explained the companies’ future plans for growth, and changes. This included announcing the cancellation of the game’s stand-alone multiplayer, and future marketing and PR campaigns being closer to the game’s launch.

In spite of all this and the founders of developer CD Projekt Red predicted to have lost $1 billion USDCyberpunk 2077 sold 13.7 million units in 2020. Further, only 1.6% of Cyberpunk 2077 copies were refunded, with current and predicted future refunds only affecting 9% of CD Projekt’s total game revenue in 2020. While CD Projekt saw 65% drop in profits year-over-year, they had a 2% rise in sales in Q1.


Cyberpunk 2077 is available on Windows PC (via Epic GamesGOG, and Steam), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Google Stadia. The game is also coming to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S in 2021, and players on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One respectively will be able to upgrade to the next-gen for free.

Image: Steam, Wikipedia



Ryan was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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