Final Fantasy VII Remake to Launch “Far Earlier” in Europe and Australia to Avoid Coronavirus Disruption

Final Fantasy VII Remake

Final Fantasy VII Remake will be launching “far earlier” in Europe and Australia, in order to avoid any disruption caused by the coronavirua outbreak.

Square Enix shared the joint statement of Producer Yoshinori Kitase, and Director Tetsuya Nomura on both Twitter, and the Square Enix official website.

To ensure nations who are “currently facing the biggest disruption” can get the game on launch, it will launch “much earlier” in Europe, and Australia. In addition, they implore those who play the game early avoid spreading spoilers.

“The FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE team have worked extremely hard to make this game and we are incredibly proud of what you are about to play. Our biggest motivator during the development was that so many of you were willing us on, and we felt your enthusiasm and passion every step of the way.

We had some hard decisions to make during the final few weeks before launch due to disruption to distribution channels caused by the spread of the COVID-19 virus. These unique circumstances have made it very difficult to align timing of our global shipping. Our highest priority is that all of you, including those who live in countries currently facing the biggest disruption, can play the game at launch, so we made the decision to ship the game far earlier than usual to Europe and Australia.

As a result, there is a greater chance that some of you in these regions will now get a copy of the game prior to the worldwide release date of April 10. For other western regions, including the Americas, copies will be shipped this week and we feel optimistic that most of you will receive the game for launch day. However, due to the challenging situation we cannot provide delivery dates for each country and each retailer.

We really want all of you looking forward to FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE to play the game on April 10 and experience everything we have been working on, together.

To everyone we would like to ask one big favour.

If you get the game early, please think of others and don’t spoil it for them. We know there are potential spoilers that have been out there for over two decades as the original FINAL FANTASY VII was released in 1997. But FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE is a new game that still has many surprises for everyone. All our fans and players deserve to experience the game for themselves, and we ask for the support of our dedicated community around the world to ensure that.

On behalf of the entire development team, and everyone around the world that has worked on getting FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE to you all, thanks again for your support, and most importantly, please stay safe.”

The specifics on how early this launch would be in those regions was not revealed.

It would seem to be ill-advised to ship the game from Europe or Australia to the United States to play the game early, as the coronavirus outbreak has affected all shipping and postal services. Doing so may result in the game arriving after the official release date.

We will keep you informed as we learn more.

Final Fantasy VII Remake launches April 10th on PlayStation 4, and “much earlier” in Europe and Australia. The console exclusivity ends April 4th, 2021.

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Ryan was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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