Activision Blizzard Fires Their CFO, He Then Gets Hired by Netflix

We have learned that Activision Blizzard have fired current Chief Financial Officer Spencer Neumann.

The news of Neumann’s firing comes via CNBC, reporting that Activision Blizzard declared on December 24th their intent to let Neumann go. On December 26th they announced Former Chief Financial Officer Dennis Durkin would return to the role- originally holding it between 2012 and 2017.

The news comes alongside the reveal that Neumann has landed a job at Netflix.

Several outlets suspect it was due to the company’s stock falling 26% last year, despite protests from Activision Blizzard themselves that the decision was “unrelated to the Company’s financial reporting or disclosure controls and procedures”.

Others have theorized that due to the sudden hiring by Netflix that Neumann was “poached” from Activision Blizzard. This is fueled by the fact Activision Blizzard have given no official statement on why Neumann was let go. Some have even claimed Neumann was on paid leave.

No matter the case Neumann will act as Netflix’s Chief Financial Officer in early 2019. He will be replacing David Wells, who held the position for 14 years. In related news, Blizzard Entertainment even paid some staff to leave the company.

Neumann has served as the Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President of “Global Guest Experience of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts” from 2012 to 2017. He is also currently on the board of the Make-a-Wish Foundation of America nonprofit charity.



Ryan was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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