New Eldritch Zookeeper Trailer Introduces the HypnoLlama

Cranktrain Games has just released a new trailer for their upcoming cursed zoo management sim, Eldritch Zookeeper.

In the game, players will be tasked with building and maintaining a zoo stocked with all manner of interdimensional monstrosities. Keep your menagerie of impossible creatures well-fed and content, or risk seeing them escape their enclosures and inflicting unspeakable horrors upon your visitors.

The latest trailer, featured above, introduces one such abomination that you’ll be charged with caring for. The HypnoLlama may look cuddly and normal, aside from its desire to feed on ectoplasmic goop, but it’s soft exterior hides a truly insidious creature capable of brainwashing your guests to do its bidding.

Eldritch Zookeeper will be available on Windows PC and Mac via Steam, however no price or release date has been confirmed.



Frank was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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