Seafaring, Physics-Based Survival Game Make Sail Looks for Crowdfunding

Fig, the alternative crowdfunding platform, has announced a new campaign for the seafaring-survival game, Make Sail.

Developed by indie duo Popcannibal, the physics-based exploration game has you building your vessel on the fly. As you traverse the oceans, you’ll encounter new lands and by extension, new supplies to enhance and build up your ship.

The key in building and assembling your vessel is factoring in things like buoyancy and placement of your sails, as you’ll naturally have to make use of wind power to get around.

Featured above, you can view the game’s teaser trailer. Here are some screenshots:



Popcannibal is seeking $50,000 USD by November 3rd, to finish development and release the game on PC and Mac. At the time of writing, they’ve accumulated roughly half their asking cost.

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